Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Links for August 2020

I don't normally watch a ton of YouTube videos, because there are too many time-wasters out there. But this video made a ton of great points about money, capitalism, and time.
*I'd note that the person who made this video missed one crucial element: risk tolerance. Sure, everything he says makes sense. But it doesn't make sense for just anyone to start a business. And he missed that crucial element.

Remember when everybody was panic-buying toilet paper and paper towels? This analysis provides some insight into why:

ASUS Vivobook 15 - $499
*A little light on the storage space, but it's pretty powerful for the price, and there are a number of options for extra storage.


Laws like this are exceedingly scary for homeowners:

How rich are Americans, by age group? 

Hey Americans, interested in what happens to your tax money? You might be surprised where the military ranks in this list...

A snapshot into the financial picture of "John," someone who retired in 2018 and is looking for income:

Tips to help you retire, regardless of what the economy is doing at the moment:

Steve Adcock and his wife retired early, in their thirties. He offers some advice to help the rest of us retire, as well:

Along similar lines as the above:

For some perspective on the REAL point of having money:

This post makes an important point about the power of emotions:

Scared to invest? Don't be. Here's why:

The best Vanguard funds:

Be on guard against financial abuse:

Entrepreneurship isn't necessarily all it's cracked up to be:

Possibly the single most succinct summary of the FIRE movement:

How much money do Americans think it takes to be financially comfortable? And how has COVID-19 changed that?

How should you invest? Ty of CampF.I.R.E. Finance describes one solid approach—index and chill:

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