Sunday, July 30, 2023

Student Loans Aren't the Real Issue

 Student Loan Forgiveness is Not the Issue

Today, student loan forgiveness is a political hot-button topic. Wade into the morass of comments on articles like this one if you don't believe me.

But that’s not the actual issue. Student loans aren’t the root cause of the economic malaise in which many young people are ensnared.

Rather, student loans are a symptom.

So what is the core issue, then?

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Links for July 2023

 Links for July 2023

Happy Financial Independence! Here are some great links I've collected recently:

This is a fantastic breakdown! I'm not usually a fan of infographics, but this one is supremely well-done!

A great reminder to consider before you invest:

This will make you think:

Vanguard is usually trotted out as the best possible brokerage firm. But are top management's interests really aligned with their fundholders? Note: this article is from 2002

I'm sure that John Bogle would have something to say about that if he were still alive...