Thursday, July 8, 2021

Links for July 2021

 Links for July 2021

Wealthy Accountant for President! His tax plan does make a lot of sense:

Why be frugal? Here's a cogent answer:

I recently ran across a very interesting idea: adjusting your 'net worth' to account for whether the market is overvalued or undervalued: 

A priceless lesson from a savvy veteran investor:

Worried about the future of Social Security? It's not as bad as you think:

Why do so many people feel like they aren't well-off? Morgan Housel tackles that question:

Are you saving too aggressively? In this interview, Gwen of concluded that she should ease off the figurative gas pedal a bit:

Learn more about Herbert Wertheim, billionaire optometrist, inventor, and investor, who had dyslexia and did poorly in school:
      Hat tip to David at for letting me know about this man's inspiring tale!

There's a janitor who became a millionaire!

Investors, prepare to be disappointed:

What kind of returns should we expect in the future? Mindfully Investing just saved me a lot of research on this topic:

Larry Swedroe advises that we think about investing as probabilities, not certainties:

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