Saturday, January 28, 2017

A Tale of Two Kingdoms

My friend Bill at Wealth Well Done writes some true-ish stories as a creative way to communicate financial wisdom. So, in honor of Bill and of the parables of Jesus (many of which had to do, at least on the surface, with money), I've created a parable of my own:

A Tale of Two Kingdoms
There once was a kingdom with a very powerful army. One day, the king realized that he could make money while also providing protection for the nations he had conquered: he would allow the conquered nations to maintain their existing social orders, including their own forms of government. In return, each nation could choose one of a few different levels of protection—the amount of the conquered nation’s annual tribute depended on the level of protection they selected.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Links for your financial health, January 2017

Links for your financial health

Confused about the difference between Roth IRAs and regular IRAs or 401(k)s? Mr. Tako explains clearly and succinctly at

"IRA / 401(s) — Don’t pay taxes now, pay later!
Roth IRA — Pay taxes now, but don’t pay taxes later!"
The above link at provides a great resource on wealth-building--a recommended read! Some other interesting and important thoughts for your financial health: