Why I'm Building a Pyramid
Hello again, world wide web! It's been a while!
I've been continuing to read and learn. While doing so, an analogy popped into my head that I'd like to share.
In March 2024, I read the classic business book, Barbarians at the Gate, about the leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco. While thinking about the authors' description of the shenanigans taking place at company headquarters and on Wall Street, something occurred to me: the whole structure was upside-down.
RJ Reynolds built the tobacco company that was named after him, and the book credits lawyer Adolphus Green as being instrumental to the early growth of Nabisco. These men (and, of course, many others) helped to build and guide these two companies in their early days, circa 1900.
But by the 1970s, the old guard had long since perished, and the executives that succeeded them had exhibited varying degrees of quality - some did well, others did not.